Join Our Board of Directors
Building a Labour Market that Works
Who We Are
The Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board (EMOWPDB) is a community-based non-profit organization. In existence since 1997, we operate with volunteer Directors representing a variety of sectors and geographies across the region. The EMOWPDB covers the areas of the City of London, Elgin, Middlesex, and Oxford counties. The population encompasses both rural and urban communities. We are one of 26 Workforce Planning Boards across the province, funded in part by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development of Ontario.
Why We Exist
The EMOWPDB aims to empower stakeholders by providing high-quality labour market information, enabling them to make informed decisions that result in a thriving, viable economy.
What We Do
Our primary role is to help improve the understanding of and coordinate community responses to labour market issues and needs. We also work with employers to identify and meet their current and emerging skills needs.
Director Roles and Responsibilities
There are nine positions for Directors with the EMOWPDB. They have legal and fiduciary responsibility in leading the organization.
Board of Director Qualifications: Bylaw 4.2.1
All Directors must be:
- Eighteen (18) years of age or older
- A Canadian citizen, or landed immigrant
- A permanent resident of the area served by the Board or
- Employed within the area served by the Board
(Board members who retire while serving may continue to serve.)
Duties of the Board of Directors: Bylaw 4.3.1
- The Directors will have the responsibility to represent in good faith the sector they represent as opposed to their personal views
- Directors will contribute to the vision, mission, values, goals, and objectives of the Corporation
- Board of Directors members are trustees for the use of assets, actions, and outcomes of the Corporation
- Directors of the Board are required to act in accordance with all statutory requirements and the objects of incorporation and the Act
- Directors are to perform their duties in the best interest of the Corporation, including regular meeting attendance
Required Time Commitment Outline
The required time commitment for general board meetings involves approximately 2 hours per meeting, with approximately 10 meetings per year. Meetings are now typically attended via Zoom or teleconference to accommodate schedules as necessary.
Preparation time for each meeting would be up to 1 hour. Participation in Ad Hoc Committees and attendance at events representing the organization is optional for Directors.
Interested in becoming a Director?
Please download the application form below and send it to info@workforcedevelopment.ca. If you have any questions, please email info@workforcedevelopment.ca or call (519) 672-3499.