Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Development Board

Office administrative assistants - general, legal and medical

This minor group comprises office administrative assistants such as general administrative assistants, legal administrative assistants and medical administrative assistants. They are employed in law offices, legal departments of large firms, real estate companies, land title offices, and municipal, provincial and federal courts; doctor's offices, hospitals, medical clinics and other medical settings; and throughout the public and private sectors.

13110 · Administrative assistants
55 Jobs

Administrative assistants perform a variety of administrative duties in support of managerial and professional employers. They are employed throughout the public and private sectors.

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13111 · Legal administrative assistants
0 Jobs

Legal administrative assistants perform a variety of secretarial and administrative duties in law offices, legal departments of large firms, real estate companies, land title offices, municipal, provincial and federal courts and government.

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13112 · Medical administrative assistants
3 Jobs

Medical administrative assistants perform a variety of secretarial and administrative duties in doctor's offices, hospitals, medical clinics and other medical settings.

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Funding by Logos

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario


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