Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Development Board

Library, correspondence and other clerks

This minor group comprises library, correspondence and other clerks, including library assistants and clerks, and the correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks. They are employed by libraries and other establishments with library services; newspapers, periodicals and publishing firms; and throughout the public and private sectors.

14300 · Library assistants and clerks
0 Jobs

Library assistants and clerks issue and receive library materials, sort and shelve books and provide general library information to users. They also perform clerical functions. Library clerks are employed by libraries or other establishments with library services.

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14301 · Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks
0 Jobs

Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks write correspondence, proofread material for accuracy, compile material for publication, verify, record and process forms and documents, such as applications, licences, permits, contracts, registrations and requisitions, and perform other related clerical duties in accordance with established procedures, guidelines and schedules. They are employed by newspapers, periodicals, publishing firms and by establishments throughout the private and public sectors.

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Funding by Logos

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario


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