Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Development Board

Bricklayers and insulators

This minor group comprises bricklayers and insulators. They are employed by construction companies and bricklaying contractors; or they may be self-employed.

72320 · Bricklayers
6 Jobs

Bricklayers lay bricks, concrete blocks, stone and other similar materials to construct or repair walls, arches, chimneys, fireplaces and other structures in accordance with blueprints and specifications. They are employed by construction companies and bricklaying contractors or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.

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72321 · Insulators
0 Jobs

Insulators apply insulation materials to plumbing, air-handling, heating, cooling and refrigeration systems, piping equipment and pressure vessels, and walls, floors and ceilings of buildings and other structures, to prevent or reduce the passage of heat, cold, sound or fire. They are employed by construction companies and insulation contractors, or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.

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Funding by Logos

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario


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