Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Development Board

Roofers, glaziers, painters, decorators and floor covering installers

This minor group comprises roofers, shinglers, glaziers, painters, decorators (except interior decorators) and floor covering installers. They are employed by construction companies; roofing and general contractors; construction glass installation contractors and glass fabrication, retail service and repair shops; insulation and floor covering contractors and carpet outlets; and painting and building maintenance contractors; or they may be self-employed.

73110 · Roofers and shinglers
8 Jobs

Roofers install, repair or replace flat roofs as well as shingles, shakes or other roofing tiles on sloped roofs. Shinglers install and replace shingles, tiles and similar coverings on sloped roofs. They are employed by roofing and general contractors, or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.

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73111 · Glaziers
0 Jobs

Glaziers cut, fit, install and replace glass in residential, commercial and industrial buildings, on exterior walls of buildings and other structures and in furniture and other products. They are employed by construction glass installation contractors, retail service and repair shops and glass fabrication shops, or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.

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73112 · Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
8 Jobs

Painters and decorators apply paint, wallpaper and other finishes to interior and exterior surfaces of buildings and other structures. They are employed by construction companies, painting contractors and building maintenance contractors, or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.

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73113 · Floor covering installers
2 Jobs

Floor covering installers install carpet, wood, linoleum, vinyl and other resilient floor coverings in residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. They are employed by construction companies, floor-covering contractors and carpet outlets, or they may be self-employed. Apprentices are also included in this unit group.

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Funding by Logos

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario


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