Beam on the Green

Welcome to the EMOWPDB’s Beam on the Green Series

As part of our commitment to supporting local workforce development and providing valuable insights into emerging industries, we are excited to introduce our series of quarterly labour market reports on the green economy.

What Are These Reports About?

These reports offer a comprehensive yet digestible overview of the green economy’s impact on our local labour market. Each quarter, we delve into the latest trends, emerging and evolving occupations, essential skills, and new work opportunities within different sectors of the green economy.

Our Reports Focus On…

  1. Beam on the Green: Focus on Renewable Energy – Explore the growing field of renewable energy and the job opportunities they bring.
  2. Beam on the Green: Focus on Waste Management and Recycling – Delve into the critical sector of waste management and recycling, highlighting new careers and essential skills for reducing environmental impact.
  3. Beam on the Green: Focus on Green Vehicle Manufacturing – Understand the advancements in green vehicle manufacturing and the workforce needed to support this innovation.
  4. Beam on the Green: Green Building and Construction – Learn about the evolution of green building and construction practices and the demand for skilled workers in creating sustainable infrastructure.

Why Focus on the Green Economy?

The transition to a green economy is reshaping industries and creating new career pathways. Understanding these changes is crucial for preparing our workforce and aligning programs with market needs. By focusing on the green economy, we aim to:

  • Highlight growth sectors and job opportunities.
  • Identify the skills required for emerging occupations.
  • Support informed decision-making for career development and workforce planning.

Stay Tuned!

Our quarterly reports are coming soon, designed to be easy to read and understand. Whether you are a job seeker looking for new opportunities, an employer planning your future workforce, or an employment service provider aligning your programs with market demands, our reports will offer valuable insights tailored to your needs.

Keep an eye on this page for the release of our first report and stay tuned for future editions as we continue to track and analyze the green economy’s impact on our region.