Gig Jobs Dashboard
London Economic Region
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The following metrics are based on the number of Gig job postings over the selected month and include the precentage increase/decrease from the previous month.
London Economic Region includes Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford counties.
Gig Job Posts
How many gig jobs have been posted?
Gig Job Prevalence
What is the volume of gig job posts relative to traditional job posts?
Average % of Gig Jobs
Gig Jobs by Sector
What sectors have the highest prevalence of gig jobs?
Top Sector
Top Gig Jobs by Occupational Group
What are the most popular occupation types in the gig jobs economy?
Top Occupation Type
Top Gig Jobs by Occupation
What are the top 10 occupations in the gig jobs economy?
Top Occupation
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Advertised Wages
What are the advertised pay rates for gig jobs?